Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fat-Fat Blockers-Beware Of Fat Blocker Scams

Fat blockers do not perform as advertised

By Bryon Zirker

Looking to lose fat? Looking at Chitosan as a choice? Do
not be fooled. Chitosan is a fiber supplement which is
put together from the shells of crustacean creatures.

They (marketers) claim that Chitosan can bind to fat
molecules in the digestive tract and stop the absorption
of fat by the body.

These claims are pretty bold regarding the effectiveness
of these products. You may have seen the "Fat Trapper"
infomercials with guest Steve Garvey former baseball star.

They claim that you "eat what you want and never, ever,
ever have to diet again." The science just does not back
these claims and comes up shot over and over.

When all the Chitosan studies are summarized, they show that
Chitosan has very little if any benefit at all with weight loss.

Do not be fooled and do not waste your money. Do this
instead to cut fat, lose inches and weight, build muscle,
and improve your health:Cut out the following from
your diet- all vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils, and
seed oils.

Eat only good fats such as olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil,
avacodos, nuts, lean natural meat. Cut the carbs, sugars
and breads. Eat more and a large spectrum of vegetables,
fresh and whole is the best.

Work out, exercise is good, and stay active. Walk or bike.
Use weight training to build muscle or tone up. Use
interval training to lose the fat by burning more of it.

Fats-Are Saturated Fats The Enemy?

By Bryon Zirker

For a very long time we have been mislead regarding the
use of saturated fats in our diets. Specifically, animal fats
have been targeted as the cause of most chronic disease

Evidence shows otherwise......The journal of Clinical Nutrition
revealed how eating saturated fats improved the condition of
women with heart disease. It showed saturated fats as having
raised the subjects HDL cholesterol (the good stuff).

Triglycerides were lowered (fat in the blood). This seems to
contradict the claims of mainstream medicine. It is very important
to take saturated fats into your system. Your cells need saturated
fat to stay in optimal health.

From the beginning mankind has eaten saturated fats.Do not
fear but enjoy those eggs, dairy products and meats. Use
grass-fed beef and choose organic products when possible.

To really cut your heart disease risk stay away from
refined carbs, sugar, and ridiculous ubiquitary vegetable

Fat Burning SeaWeed-Wakame

By Bryon Zirker

Here's a Fat Burner for you.

For hundreds of years the Japanese have been using
Wakame a seaweed full of vitamins and minerals, that
is easy to cook and could help you lose weight. Bonus,
it burns Fat!

It is a mild flavored vegetable. One study showed that
Wakame reduced fat tissues in our friend the rat and
obese mice. Wakame has a compoundcalled fucoxanthin
that stimulates some fat burning protein in fat tissue.

Oh and this, studies found that this compound can kill
prostate cancer cells. Studies conducted by Dr. Kazuo
Miyashita. Dried Wakame can be had at health food
stores and online.

The cooking time is short, only minutes. Other types
of seaweed cook for hours. Put Wakame in soups, your
favorite salads and add it to other vegetables.

Sounds like an easy way to Burn Fat.

Fat-Calories Burn Fat Burn

By Bryon Zirker

Burn Fat Fast

If exercising on a treadmill is your choice, make sure that
you set it on an incline. This will insure that you are burning
a lot more calories in less time. More Fat Burned!

As a matter of fact even a small incline will make a big
difference upwards of 150 percent. If a 160 pound man
on a treadmillwalking at 2.5 miles per hour will use four
each minute. And More Fat Burned!

If the grade is raised to 20 percent the calories used
would be 10 calories per minute. The extra effort will
hardly be noticeable and you could cut your work
out in half or double the calories that you burn during
your usual workout session. Even More Fat Burned!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fat Facts-Introduction

With today’s emphasis on Fat in our society it is
important to have our Fat Facts straight. There
are many "Health Gurus" out there that often
contradict each others fat teachings and fat

With this site I will attempt to draw from my
own experience as well as the scientific community
good information regarding fat that can help us
all with our quest for a good healthy dietary balance.

This site is not a substitute for medical advice or
treatment,and I recommend consultation with
your doctor or healthcare professional.