Booming Fat-Boomers Historically Fat
boomers in the US should get the fat off or be labeled
the most fat of any group of people in known history.
Harvard School Of Public researchers fore casted based
on collected data that if current trends continue, the
prevalence of obesity in 2010 will reach 35 percent,
36 percent, 33 percent, and 55 percent among white
men, white women, black men, and black women,
There will be 9.3 million more fat adults between the
ages of 20 to 74 in 2010 than there were fat adults in
2000, with 8.3 million over 50 years of age. You can
avoid becoming one of the fat people by eating properly
and exercising regularly.
Three things you should do are:
1. Exercise with someone who can help keep you on track
and accountable.
2. Stop all liquid caloric intake from your eating plan. This
can assist with fast fat loss.
3. Set yourself three short term achievable goals, take the
necessary steps each day to reach those simple goals. Example
-go work out three times per week.
All it takes is some planning and a little action to get you going
in the right direction. Do it now.