Thursday, March 27, 2008

Booming Fat-Boomers Historically Fat

Shedding fat in not any easier as you get older. Baby
boomers in the US should get the fat off or be labeled
the most fat of any group of people in known history.

Harvard School Of Public researchers fore casted based
on collected data that if current trends continue, the
prevalence of obesity in 2010 will reach 35 percent,
36 percent, 33 percent, and 55 percent among white
men, white women, black men, and black women,

There will be 9.3 million more fat adults between the
ages of 20 to 74 in 2010 than there were fat adults in
2000, with 8.3 million over 50 years of age. You can
avoid becoming one of the fat people by eating properly
and exercising regularly.

Three things you should do are:

1. Exercise with someone who can help keep you on track
and accountable.

2. Stop all liquid caloric intake from your eating plan. This
can assist with fast fat loss.

3. Set yourself three short term achievable goals, take the
necessary steps each day to reach those simple goals. Example
-go work out three times per week.

All it takes is some planning and a little action to get you going
in the right direction. Do it now.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fat-Avoid The Fat Catch 22

I think that everyone knows that to lose fat you must
do some kind of regular activity in the for of exercise.
So what if you are over fat and in danger of joint injuries
like the study confirmed by Ohio University.

Good news. Individuals that are over fat can lose the
fat and strengthen their muscles. All that is needed is
the desire and the over fat body itself, it it body fat
circuit training. Using the weight of the body properly
to start with will help to condition so as to avoid sore
knees and hips.

Try these floor exercise and build from here.

1. The Kneeling Chest Push Up

Complete eight repetitions.

2. One Legged Pirate Lying Hip Extension

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat
on the floor. Brace your abs, and squeeze your left
glute (butt muscle) while straightening your right
leg, lift your right leg off the floor, and point it straight
ahead. Using the left leg, bridge your hips up by
contracting your glute. Keep your abs braced. Slowly
lower your hips until they are an inch above the ground.
Perform 10 reps per leg.

3. Walk The Plank

Starting on your stomach. Bring your body up in a straight
line and rest your body weight on your elbows and toes.
Now Keeping your back absolutely straight and your hips
up. Hold (squeeze) your abs tight. Squeeze your abs as if
someone were going to punch you in the stomach, breathe
normally. Hold this for 30 seconds.

Do these exercises in an interval format. Rest for one
minute between the exercises. You could add five or ten
minutes of walking before you begin this interval program.
With proper nutrition and regular exercise you will win the
over fat battle and shed the excess fat with out getting hurt
in the process. You will feel a whole lot better too!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Lose Fat-Aerobics Is A Waist Of Time

By Bryon Zirker

It is time to get off of the Aerobic kick to lose fat, regardless
of the media. There is a better way to lose fat and get in shape
with a lot less time. What was that, you don't believe me?
The North American Association for the Study of Obesity did
a study where subjects aged 40 to 75,did 60 minutes of aerobic
exercise each day, six days per week, for 365 days.

Now with all that exercise you would think that as a group they
would lose hundreds of pounds of fat, yes?Surprise, the average
fat loss was only four pounds of fat for female subjects and lost
6.6 pounds of fat for the men. Not time well spent in my opinion,
to lose six pounds of fat after over 300 hours of all that Aerobic

Get the same if not better results with a lot less time used up to
do it. Try this, when walking outside, locate an incline and challenge
yourself to run up it for 60 seconds, then slowly walk down for 60
to 120 seconds. Repeat up to six times. When you are walking on
a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to challenge yourself for 60
seconds, then return to a normal pace for 60 to 120 seconds. Repeat
up to six times.

When you are doing interval training focus on doing each session
at a level that forces you to catch your breath during the rest
periods in between sets.