Fat Loss-Nutrition Boost
You really workout hard in the gym - and it's been working. Your losing weight, dropping inches, and you are feeling great. Then, all of a sudden you stop seeing results. You have hit the plateau phase of your fat-loss program which is normal, however it can be very frustrating.
A little change in your diet program can and should, get you back on track. Simply stop eating those foods from a bag or a box and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Don't expect to wake up tomorrow and completely change your eating habits. This is not realistic. The best approach is to make little changes each day. Start, today, grab one or two new items from the produce aisle to help you control your appetite, regulate your blood sugar, and burn that stubborn body fat.
Losing fat, living longer and healthier, having more energy requires quality fuel in your body's tank. No grease. No sugar. No high priced quick fixes. Just reasonable exercise and healthy food choices. Plan ahead. It takes less time.
Combine additional fruits and veggies with short, convenient strength and interval-training exercise sessions and you will begin to feel great, look great, like a million bucks.