Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fat-Burn 20 Pounds Of Fat In 365 Days Effortlessly

By Bryon Zirker

Here is an easy way to burn some extra fat. Lose the
sodas and high sugar juices. A study done by researchers
at the University of North Carolina instructed 118 women
who were over their optimal weight to substitute water for
juices and sodas that are high in sugars. The result of course
is that these women consumed a lot less calories in a day.

Actually the group reduced their caloric intake by approximately
200 per day total by drinking water. Off came the fat. Now this
may not seem like a big change however this added up to 20
pounds of fat lost over the entire year. Like I said an easy 20
pounds of fat gone and you would actually feel a whole lot better too!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Body Fat-Get Rid Of Stubborn

By Bryon Zirker

Why is alkalinity so good? Here is the theory: The
body has a more difficult time burning body fat for
fuel when its water-based pH balance is too acidic.
So increasing the alkalinity in your body can help
you shed those stubborn extra pounds of fat.

The author of The Menopause Self Help Book, Dr.
Susan Lark, M.D suggests an easy to make cocktail:
1/8 teaspoon of aluminum-free baking soda (do NOT
use baking powder) mixed with water. Your body will
quickly become more alkaline when you drink this
after eating high-acid foods like meat, concentrated
starches, or supplements.

Dr. Lark and natural health advocate Dr. Lisa
Fitzwilliams see some good results when they suggest
that clients use this kind of approach. Dr. Fitzwilliams
stated, "The fat just comes off easier," and "It is
not a panacea, but it certainly helps!"

Dr. Fitzwilliams added that when you put a little
apple cider vinegar in your regular drinking water
it will help alkalize your body. Just mix it in
throughout the day.

Go ahead and try these two suggestions and see if
they will work for you. Try anything once right?