Monday, October 27, 2008

A little Fat Loss-Big Improvement

By Bryon Zirker

A lot of people just do not even attempt big tasks or goals such as losing weight due to the fact that they see it as too hard to reach or accomplish.

If your weight loss gaol seems to big don't lose heart. In a review of 61 studies, Australian researchers found in 61 studies that modest weight loss resulted in a preferential loss of visceral adipose tissue (VAT). VAT the fat that is most often found in those "hard beer bellies" of older men which is associated with a risk for
heart disease.

When you get a fat-loss program started, the first fat to drop tends to be the potentially deadly belly fat. So just by striving to lose a few pounds, can make a very positive improvement in your overall health.

To get going by doing the following, reduce the number of calories you take in each day by 10-20 percent and start doing resistance and interval training exercises.