Monday, October 27, 2008

A little Fat Loss-Big Improvement

By Bryon Zirker

A lot of people just do not even attempt big tasks or goals such as losing weight due to the fact that they see it as too hard to reach or accomplish.

If your weight loss gaol seems to big don't lose heart. In a review of 61 studies, Australian researchers found in 61 studies that modest weight loss resulted in a preferential loss of visceral adipose tissue (VAT). VAT the fat that is most often found in those "hard beer bellies" of older men which is associated with a risk for
heart disease.

When you get a fat-loss program started, the first fat to drop tends to be the potentially deadly belly fat. So just by striving to lose a few pounds, can make a very positive improvement in your overall health.

To get going by doing the following, reduce the number of calories you take in each day by 10-20 percent and start doing resistance and interval training exercises.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fat Loss-Nutrition Boost

By Bryon Zirker

You really workout hard in the gym - and it's been working. Your losing weight, dropping inches, and you are feeling great. Then, all of a sudden you stop seeing results. You have hit the plateau phase of your fat-loss program which is normal, however it can be very frustrating.

A little change in your diet program can and should, get you back on track. Simply stop eating those foods from a bag or a box and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Don't expect to wake up tomorrow and completely change your eating habits. This is not realistic. The best approach is to make little changes each day. Start, today, grab one or two new items from the produce aisle to help you control your appetite, regulate your blood sugar, and burn that stubborn body fat.

Losing fat, living longer and healthier, having more energy requires quality fuel in your body's tank. No grease. No sugar. No high priced quick fixes. Just reasonable exercise and healthy food choices. Plan ahead. It takes less time.

Combine additional fruits and veggies with short, convenient strength and interval-training exercise sessions and you will begin to feel great, look great, like a million bucks.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Fat-A Tip To Trim The Middle

By Bryon Zirker

Here is a tidbit of advice for trimming your middle, do not let it get away!

New studies came up with the fact that adding almonds to your meal plan may not only aid your Fat loss efforts, it also reduces your body fat and significantly decreases your midsection.

This study that took 24 weeks, end up published in the International Journal of Obesity (Fat) and Related Metabolic Disorders, included 65 adult subjects who were either over fat or super fat. Half of the group of subjects consumed a low-calorie meal plan plus 84 grams (three ounces) each day of almonds. The other half of the group of subjects consumed a low-calorie meal plan along with their choice of complex carbohydrates. Both groups consumed the same amount of calories and protein.

when the study concluded, the happy almond-eaters enjoyed a 62 percent greater
reduction in actual body weight, a 50 percent greater reduction in waist measurement, and a 56 percent greater reduction in body fat mass as compared with the other group.

So give it a try and target your middle and give a boost to your weight-loss efforts, throw out that high sugar "energy" bar for a perfectly portable, nutrient-dense, raw, organic food, organic almonds. You will find that a one-ounce serving is approximately a third of a cup or a small handful.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Fat-Burn Fat While You Sleep

By Bryon Zirker

Dietary supplement companies started getting in trouble late in the 1990's for falsely claiming their pills and potions could help burn body fat while you sleep. Some of the latest research shows promise for an activity that works-----resistance training.

People in a total-body resistance-training research study performed a circuit of three exercises which were the bench press, power clean, and squat. They completed about 10 repetitions of each exercise, and rotated through the circuit four times. Their workouts lasted only 31 minutes.

So here's the cool part. The researchers found in the study that the people's metabolism was elevated for more than 36 hours following the resistance training.

This means that they burned more calories and more fat for a day and a half after doing the resistance training. I think you will agree that is an awesome metabolism boost!

Burning fat aroung the clock is possible and should be the goal for people trying to burn the fat off. Be sure to include resistance training in your workouts to burn fat while working and resting.